domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Vocabulary # 5 -Protist and Fungi

1. protozoan: Are one celled animal like organisms with a nucleus.

2. cilia: Are short, hairlike parts on the surface of the cell.

3.  sporozoan: Are protozoans that reproduce by forming spores.

4. spore: Are special cells that develop into new organisms.

5. algae: Are plantlike protists.

6. multicellular: Means that an organism has many different cells that do certain jobs for the organism.

7. slime mold: Are funguslike protists that are consumers.

8. hyphae: The bodies of most fungi are made of a network of threadlike structure.

9.spoangium fungi: Are fungi that produce spores in sporangia.

10. sporangia: Are structures, found on the tips of hyphae, that makes spores.

11. club fungi: Fungi with club shaped parts that produce spores called club fungi.

12. sac fungi: Produce spores in saclike structures.

13. budding: Is reproduction in wich a small part of the parent grows into a new organism.

14. mutualism: A living arrangement in which both organisms benefit is called mutualism.

15. lichen: Is a fungus and an organism with chlorophyll that live together.

Vocabulary # 4 -Viruses and Bacterias

1. Virus: Is made of a chromosome like part surronded by a protein coat.

2. host: Is an organism that provides food for a parasite.

3. paraside: Is an organism that live in another living thing and gets food from it.

4. interferon: Is a chemical substance that interferes with the way viruses reproduce.

5. vaccine: Are substances made from weakened or dead viruses.

6. bacteria: Are very small, one celled monerens.

7. colony: Is a group of similar cells growing next to each other that do not depend on each other.

8. capsule: Are bacteria that have a sticky outer layer.

9. flagellum: Some bacteria  move with a long whiplike thread calles flagellum.

10. fission: Is the process of one organism dividing into two organism.

11. asexual reproduction: Is the reproducing of a living thing from only one parent.

12. endospore: Is a thick walled structure that forms inside the cell, enclosing all the nuclear material and some cytoplasm.

13. saprophyte: Are organisms that use dead materials for food.

14. decomposer: Are living things that get their food from breaking down dead matter into simpler chemicals.

15. Kochs postulate: Are steps for proving that a disease  is caused by a certain microscopic organism.

16. communicable disease: Are ones that can be passed from one organism into another.

17. antibiotic: Are chemicals substances that kill or slow the growth of bacteria.

18. biotechnology: Is the use of living things to solve practical problems.

19. pateurization: The process of heating milk to kill harmful bacteria.

20. Blue green bacteria: Are small, one celled monerans that contain chlorophyll and can make their own food.

Vocabulary # 3 -Classification

1. Classify: Means to group things together based on similarities.

2. trait: Is a feature that a living thing has.

3. kingdom: Is the largest group of living things.

4. phylum: Is the largest group within a kingdom.

5. class: Is the largest group within a phylum.

6. order: Is the largest group within a class.

7. family: Is the largest group within an order.

8.genus: Is the largest group within  a family.

9. species: The smallest group of living things.

10. scientific name: The genus and species names together makes up the scientific name.

11. moneran: Are one celled organism that don´t have a nucleus.

12. protist: Are mostly single celled organisms that have a nucleus and other cell parts.

13. fungi: Are organisms that have cell walls and absorb food from their surrondings.

14. plant: Are organisms that are made up of many cells, have chlorophyll, and can make their own food.

15. animal: Are organism that have many cells, can t make their own food.